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25 things I learnt from living in Turkey



© aNadventures

© aNadventures

1. Cleaning less – living more.

2. Taking one step at a time and enjoying it.

3. Turkish people work hard and smile harder.

4. A genuine smile can be a huge reward.

5. Being happy can be so easy.

6. Sometimes all you need to communicate are your hands, your eyes and your smile.

7. The Turkish language is a colourful painting full of warm summer moments.

8. My inner voice is always right.

9. Don’t take anything for granted.

10. If there’s a will, there’s a way.

11. Sometimes you just have to trust others.

12. It’s ok to ask for help.

13. You can never drink enough tea.

14. Blowing my nose with moderation instead of sounding like an elephant.

15. If you really want something, go get it.

16. The outcome of your request always depends on the person handling your request.

17. Bureaucracy is Turkey’s national sports.

18. If A and B don’t work out, try C, D or Z.

19. Sometimes sitting is just fine.

20. There are people in this world for whom it’s perfectly normal to open doors for you and carry your suitcase (without expecting anything in return).

21. It’s ok to openly talk about your feelings.

22. Turkish cuisine and I? – Perfect match!

23. The SUN plays such an IMPORTANT role in people’s well being.

24. The less material possessions I have, the happier I am.

25. Different cultures are neither better nor worse nor strange. They’re just different.



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  1. This is great chill out list. This is a pleasure to read.

  2. fairytalehigh permalink

    What an inspirational list! It’s amazing how experiencing another culture can be such an eye opener! You’ve made me want to go to Turkey even more now 🙂

    • Thank you, fairytalehigh! It’s true that spending time abroad is an incredibly precious experience. I would always recommend it. I hope you have a great time in Turkey! You will love it, I’m so very sure. 😉

  3. I made similar experiences in the Oriental world, but in much more countries, some are indicated here with a little bit of wisdom as well:

    Stay safe and well 🙂

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