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The bunny in the skies

© aNadventures

You’re a playlist on repeat 

when I take a shower,

when I grab my coat 

and walk the streets of a grey city.

So far away and yet so close. 


You’re a bed 

wide enough to host us both,

to laugh for hours, 

to teach me expressions 

that I evidently didn’t know before. 


You’re a car without a klaxon 

that drives me home safely.

You are home. A soft voice when my stomach hurts.

A hand that takes me dancing and pushes me  

right into the arms of a kissable stranger.


You’re a pair of sunglasses 

that know how to read me

when my own sight has gone blurry. 

You’re the cup of coffee I crave

when I want to disconnect from reality. 


You’re the landscape of your ancestors,

the echo of a lion that roars sisterhood.

You remind me to enjoy myself,

to loosen that hair ribbon

and unleash my sense of humour.


You are sunshine,

you are love,

you are lightness

When I miss you, I look up at the skies

and I see the bunny taking a nap. 

From → Tip of my Tongue

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