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I want the lightness

© aNadventures


of the world at my feet,

of travels with Bob and Courage,  

of conscious choices

that get me out of bed and exploring, 


of losing myself in two-way streets,

of finding home again and again, 

of graffiti that gets me thinking

and a blue sky that gets me going. 


of freshly squeezed orange juice, 

of churros for breakfast,

of affordable coffee and tomato toast

that include sweet words and a smile, 


of a group of people that just met, 

of my soul mate in the hostel toilet, 

of paella for her and for me

and a meal for a good cause


of a bike ride by the sea side,

of another soul mate encounter, 

of the sun kissing my forehead

and the wind unwinding my thoughts, 


of a mission completed,

of socks that prove it happened, 

of memories that make me both

blush and chuckle with excitement, 


of a date with my hands and my feet,

of a date with myself

of cake and laughter shared 

with a special someone, 


of returning home with a smile,

of a rucksack full of stories, 

of knowing I can still do this:

I can be the lightness I want to feel. 

Note: This poem is inspired by Raymond Antrobus’ poem “I Want the Confidence of”, which I came upon in Kate Clanchy’s book “How to grow your own poem”. 

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