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20 ways to enjoy unemployment


© aNadventures

Do you feel depressed because you recently lost your job, voluntarily or involuntarily? Well, let me tell you that there’s absolutely no need to feel this way. Taking some time off can actually be lots of fun. Here’s how:

You FINALLY have the time to:

  1. Fix that broken shower thingy in the bathroom.
  2. Do your shopping on Monday mornings when there’s no queue at the supermarket.
  3. Create all kinds of playlists on Spotify.
  4. Go to the cinema at 3 pm and get to know the local grannies.
  5. Go out dancing on a Sunday night. Or a Monday. Or a Tuesday…
  6. Explore the corners of the city you don’t know yet.
  7. Take trips.
  8. Catch up with family and friends.
  9. Sleep in on Mondays. Or Tuesdays…
  10. Read those books you’ve had lying around for ages.
  11. Take some online courses.
  12. Blog!
  13. Try out new recipes.
  14. Visit places that are generally only open during working hours.
  15. Reinvent yourself. Think about what you really want to do with your life.
  16. Visit museums, expositions, talks.
  17. Get a seat in the metro, outside of rush hours.
  18. Get your Christmas shopping done before everyone else heads to the shops.
  19. Do some community work.
  20. Clean out your closet and get rid of all the things you actually don’t need.

What have been YOUR experiences with unemployment? Which ways have YOU found to make it fun? Feel free to share your ideas in the comment section.

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  1. “Not my circus…” 😊

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